All The Support You Need To Free Yourself
From Trauma & Chronic Pain
My mission is to empower individuals to quickly dissolve unconscious blocks,
gently heal unresolved trauma, and easily overcome emotional stress.
Hello! I'm Elynn Light!
I've been committed to supporting clients in releasing stress, chronic pain and trauma for four decades.
I started with a nursing career, specializing in adolescent psychiatric health. After experiencing the limits and bureaucracy of Western Medicine, I began exploring alternative healing modalities and quickly became immersed in all means of healing body, mind and spirit - culminating in a MAP certification in 2022.
Over time, I've developed significant expertise in working with the body, and finding the connections between emotional and physical health. I'm highly skilled at helping clients find and transform the emotions and beliefs stored in the body that block full health and success.
In the healing community, I'm known for holding a safe space in which emotional and physical pain is skillfully transformed.
My toolkit to help you on your healing journey is extensive. I'm trained in the Body Code and my certifications include Inner Child Dialogue, EFT (tapping), Craniosacral, Jin Shin Jyutsu (acupressure), RTT (hybrid hypnosis) and MAP (Make Anything Possible), all of which I navigate with a strong foundation of intuition.
I will work with you to...
- Gently Release Trauma from Your Body
- Release Stress Leading To Chronic Pain
- Diffuse Fear & Anxiety
- Manifest Success & Confidence
What if you had the support you need to quickly, gently & permanently move past trauma or chronic pain?
What would your life look like if you could make positive changes easily, gently, and immediately?
The MAP Method™ is validated by neuroscience to provide measurable results in minutes, so you can finally overcome stress, anxiety, past trauma, negative emotions, and self-sabotaging behavior, and start accomplishing new goals with ease.